Author Archives: admin

Should I be concerned about my popcorn ceilings?

Homeowners who have popcorn ceilings in their homes may find them to be unattractive and feel that these surfaces are sacrificing the overall look and feel of their interior space. They may also feel that the bumpy nature of these surfaces makes is very difficult to keep the ceiling clean because it can be a […]

Things to consider before your popcorn ceiling removal job

Whether you’re looking to improve the look of your home, make improvements that help make it easier to clean and maintain, or are looking to boost the value of your home before you sell, removing popcorn ceilings may be a great place to start. Decades ago, popcorn ceilings were an affordable building material that was […]

Things to Consider When Removing Popcorn Ceilings

Does your home still have popcorn ceilings in any part of its interior? If so, you may have contemplated getting rid of them and replacing them with something much more attractive and modern. Not only can this improve the looks of your home, but it can also help give our home’s perceived value a boost, […]